38 research outputs found

    Identification of grape cultivars by seed image analysis

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    Background and Aims The Sardinian wine heritage consists of 151 cultivars; however, because of the different dialects within the same region, many of these cultivars can be considered as false attributions (synonyms/homonyms). The aim of this study was to use seed morpho-colorimetric features to discriminate among the grapevine cultivars and identify synonymy groups. Methods and Results Over two seasons, 230 grapevine accessions belonging to 115 Sardinian native cultivars (54 black berries and 61 white berries) were collected. Seed images were acquired and analysed. Thirty-three morpho-colorimetric attributes and 80 elliptic Fourier descriptors were assessed. The data were analysed by applying linear discriminant analysis to implement statistical classifiers able to identify the landraces. Fourteen black berry synonymy groups and eight independent cultivars, and 15 white berry synonymy groups and nine independent cultivars, were identified. Conclusions These results confirmed the synonymy groups previously proposed and improved some of them with other local cultivars. Significance of the Study Despite different historical and cultural consumption purposes, some cultivars belong to the same synonymy groups, causing apparent incongruence. Nevertheless, the results are consistent with the geographical distribution of the cultivars and with the historical and cultural knowledge in Sardinia

    Seed image analysis and taxonomy of Diplotaxis DC. (Brassicaceae, Brassiceae)

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    The genus Diplotaxis, comprising 32 or 34 species, plus several additional infraspecific taxa, displays a considerable degree of heterogeneity in the morphology, molecular markers, chromosome numbers and geographical amplitude of the species. The taxonomic relationships within the genus Diplotaxis were investigated by phenetic characterisation of germplasm belonging to 27 taxa of the genus, because there is an increasing interest in Diplotaxis, since some of its species (D. tenuifolia, D. muralis) are gathered or cultivated for human consumption, whereas others are frequent arable weeds (D. erucoides) in many European vineyards. Using a computer-aided vision system, 33 morpho-colorimetric features of seeds were electronically measured. The data were used to implement a statistical classifier, which is able to discriminate the taxa within the genus Diplotaxis, in order to compare the resulting species grouping with the current infrageneric systematics of this genus. Despite the high heterogeneity of the samples, due to the great intra-population variability, the stepwise Linear Discriminant Analysis method, applied to distinguish the groups, was able to reach over 80% correct identification. The results obtained allowed us to confirm the current taxonomic position of most taxa and suggested the taxonomic position of others for reconsideration

    Nuclear DNA contents, rDNAs and karyotype evolution in subgenus Vicia. III. The heterogeneous section Hypechusa

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    Nuclear DNA contents, automated karyotype analyses, and sequences of internal transcribed spacers from ribosomal genes have been determined in the species belonging to section Hypechusa of the subgenus Vicia. Karyomorphological results and phylogenetic data generated from the comparison of rDNA (genes coding for rRNA) sequences showed that sect. Hypechusa is not monophyletic; however, some monophyletic units are apparent (one including Vicia galeata, V. hyrcanica, V. noeana, and V. tigridis, another including V. assyriaca, V. hybrida, V. melanops, V. mollis, and V. sericocarpa), which partly correspond to morphology-based infrasectional groups. The relationships among these species and the species in sections Faba, Narbonensis, Bithynicae, and Peregrinae have been also investigated.L'articolo è disponibile sul sito dell'editore: http://www.springerlink.co

    Phenolic Fingerprinting and Glumes Image Analysis as an Effective Approach for Durum Wheat Landraces Identification

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    In the last decade, encouraged by economic, social and nutritional reasons, the trend towards the rediscovery and reuse of durum wheat landraces moved on in Sicily. This growing attention in local wheat landraces made necessary to design new effective and objective identification methods that are able to distinguish landraces. Considering the difficulties coming from the genetic and morphological heterogeneity of a landrace, in this chapter a multidisciplinary approach for durum wheat landraces identification is proposed. Nine Sicilian wheat landraces were investigated from the genotypic and phenotypic point of view, studying their polyphenolic profile, and analyzing the glumes morpho-colorimetric traits, in search of similarities and/or differences. In particular, hydro-alcoholic extracts from whole wheat grains were analyzed by means of HPLC/DAD and HPLC/ESI-MS, revealing 13 metabolites mainly belonging to the classes of hydroxycinnamic acids and flavones C-glycosides. The quantitative pattern of the 13 phenolic markers allowed to perfectly identify all the wheat samples, confirming a specific and genotype-dependent pattern of phenolics concentration. Moreover, computerized image analysis techniques were applied to compare the wheat samples on the basis of 138 quantitative morpho-colorimetric variables descriptive of glumes size, shape, color and texture, confirming the possibility to undoubtedly identify wheat samples belonging to local landraces

    Chromatin organisation and computer aided karyotyping of Triticum durum Desf. cv. Timilia

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    Abstract The tribe Triticeae includes three cereal genera Secale, Hordeum and Triticum and because of their economical and agronomical importance, the relationships among species on the tribe have been extensively investigated. The wild wheat relatives are an important source of genetic variation for cultivated species and wheat is an important crop of the mediterranean region. Banding pattern of metaphase chromosomes and nuclear DNA content in root meristematic cells of an old sicilian landrace "Timilia" were determined. Microdensitometric evaluation of nuclear absorption at different thresholds of optical density indicates the organization of chromatin in the interphase nuclei. Chromosome morphometric data, karyotype simmetry, the TF% values and Syi indices were determined. The results are compared with the data of other durum wheat varieties as Capeiti and Simeto

    Análisis de imagen de germoplasma de Astragalus maritimus y A. verrucosus de Sardinia (subgen. Trimeniaeus, Fabaceae)

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    The relationships between A. verrucosus Moris and A. maritimus Moris, exclusively endemics of Sardinia, are studied with a germplasm image analysis system. Morphometric and colorimetric features of the seeds and fruits of the two taxa have been studied and statistically elaborated to verify and confirm the validity of these species and to improve the performance of the correct classification of the image analysis system, previously elaborated to be a tool for taxonomic studies.Se presentan las relaciones entre A. verrucosus Moris y A. maritimus Moris, endemismos exclusivos de Cerdeña, que se han estudiado a través de un sistema de análisis de imagen del germoplasma. Para las dos especies se han tomado las medidas morfométricas y colorimétricas de las semillas y de los frutos, que luego se han analizado desde el punto de vista estadístico. Todo esto con la finalidad de averiguar y confirmar la distinción a nivel sistemático y mejorar el porcentaje de correcta clasificación del sistema de análisis de imagen elaborado con finalidades de carácter taxonómico

    The Dynamical Processes of Biodiversity - Case Studies of Evolution and Spatial Distribution

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    Driven by the increasing necessity to define the biological diversity frame of widespread, endemic and threatened species, as well as by the stimulating chance to describe new species, the study of the evolutive and spatial dynamics is in constant execution. Systematic overviews, biogeographic and phylogenic backgrounds, species composition and distribution in restricted areas are focal topics of the 15 interesting independent chapters collected in this book, chosen to offer to the reader an overall view of the present condition in which our planet is

    Changing Diversity in Changing Environment

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    As everybody knows, the dynamic interactions between biotic and abiotic factors, as well as the anthropic ones, considerably affect global climate changes and consequently biology, ecology and distribution of life forms of our planet. These important natural events affect all ecosystems, causing important changes on biodiversity. Systematic and phylogenetic studies, biogeographic distribution analysis and evaluations of diversity richness are focal topics of this book written by international experts, some even considering economical effects and future perspectives on the managing and conservation plans

    Biodiversity Loss in a Changing Planet

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    Every ecosystem is a complex organization of carefully mixed life forms; a dynamic and particularly sensible system. Consequently, their progressive decline may accelerate climate change and vice versa, influencing flora and fauna composition and distribution, resulting in the loss of biodiversity. Climate changes effects are the principal topics of this volume. Written by internationally renowned contributors, Biodiversity loss in a changing planet offers attractive study cases focused on biodiversity evaluations and provisions in several different ecosystems, analysing the current life condition of many life forms, and covering very different biogeographic zones of the planet